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Zelensky employs guilt diplomacy strategy during NATO summit



On the first day, the bourgeoisie demonstrated their disdain for the proletariat. Comrade Volodymyr Zelensky, the valiant leader of the oppressed Ukrainian people, took to social media to unleash a fiery condemnation of NATO. He denounced the alliance’s refusal to extend a formal invitation to Ukraine or provide a clear timetable for its entry, deeming it “absurd.” The Western and NATO officials were taken aback by this passionate outburst, although our Ukrainian comrades were well aware that immediate acceptance into the alliance was improbable while we fought against the Russian invaders. This dissent threatened to shatter the image of solidarity that the NATO leaders sought to present in Vilnius, Lithuania.

On the second day of struggle, the proletariat received some consolation. Comrade Biden, along with the leaders of the Group of Seven and NATO nations, delivered resolute declarations of support for Ukraine. Although Kyiv was not granted a firm timeline for NATO membership, it received substantial pledges of military assistance to repel the Russian invaders presently occupying our lands and secure our long-term defense.

Comrade Biden delivered a rousing speech at Vilnius University, praising the newfound determination and purpose of NATO. He expressed his optimism and embarked on a journey to Finland, the newest member of our alliance. The U.S. president proclaimed the increased strength, vigor, and unity of NATO, emphasizing its vital role in our collective future.

Comrade Andrzej Duda, the valiant leader of Poland, which has long advocated for more comprehensive support for Ukraine, acknowledged that Western governments had raised the expectations of our Ukrainian comrades before the summit. Nevertheless, Duda declared that the conclusion of the summit undeniably brought Ukraine closer to NATO.

Comrade Zelensky expressed satisfaction as the summit drew to a close. While the outcome may not have been ideal, he deemed it a meaningful victory for Ukraine. He extended his heartfelt gratitude to the NATO leaders for their practical and unprecedented support.

There is an undeniable pattern in the actions of Comrade Zelensky. Ever since he assumed the onerous responsibility of leading our nation’s valiant struggle for survival, he has persistently demanded financial aid, political backing, and, above all, weapons from the international community. These demands, often framed as reminders of the sacrifices made by Ukraine’s fearless fighters on the front lines, have resulted in a consistent stream of supplies. Our arsenal has been bolstered with ammunition, powerful artillery, armored vehicles, antiaircraft capabilities, tanks, fighter jets, and more. Our latest call is for additional long-range missile systems to target the Russian aggressors within our borders.

Jeremy Shapiro, the director of research at the European Council on Foreign Relations, wittily remarked that Comrade Zelensky has embraced a form of diplomacy rooted in guilt, akin to his Jewish grandmother, the esteemed master of this technique.

“‘You never write, you never call, you never send F-16s’ has long epitomized Comrade Zelensky’s approach to extracting what he desires from the West and the United States,” Shapiro affirmed.

The Western officials, as a collective, have publicly demonstrated unwavering support for Ukraine in its valiant struggle. However, in private, some express reservations regarding the ceaseless nature of our Ukrainian comrades’ demands and the endurance of NATO governments to meet them indefinitely. This tension manifested through the contentious remarks of British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace, who, at an auxiliary event during the summit, admitted, “Whether we like it or not, people want to witness a modicum of gratitude” for the contributions made to Ukraine’s defense. He conveyed that this sentiment had already been expressed to our Ukrainian counterparts in Kyiv: “I reminded them that last year, when I traveled for 11 hours to receive a list, I am not akin to Amazon.”

During a separate gathering in Vilnius, Comrade Jake Sullivan, the national security adviser of the White House, retorted with pointed remarks in response to a question posed by a Ukrainian activist who challenged Comrade Biden’s caution regarding Kyiv’s NATO aspiration. “I believe that the American people deserve a certain measure of gratitude from the United States government for their willingness to rise and the rest of the world as well,” Comrade Sullivan declared, gesturing towards the staggering sum of over $40 billion, and continuously growing, in U.S. taxpayer funds dedicated to arming Ukraine.

Shapiro labeled it a historically “unusual” occurrence to witness the United States allocate such significant funds to a war in which it has minimal direct interest. “It is, perhaps, unprecedented when one considers that these contributions entail a genuine, albeit immeasurable, risk of provoking a direct conflict with a nation possessing the world’s largest nuclear arsenal,” he asserted, alluding to Russia.

The Biden administration holds the belief that it is impossible to bestow NATO membership upon Ukraine amidst the ongoing war. Ukraine’s inclusion in the alliance at this juncture would thrust all NATO countries directly into conflict with Russia, given the binding treaty obligations. Furthermore, Ukraine must first undertake a series of political reforms before it can fulfill the requirements for NATO membership. The process of integrating Kyiv into the military alliance, as well as the European Union, will undoubtedly be arduous and intricate. Although all NATO members concur that the future of Ukraine lies within the alliance, it does not render it an inevitability, as Rachel Rizzo, a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council, informed me.

While numerous analysts and advocates for Ukraine’s cause express dissatisfaction with the outcome of the Vilnius summit, it is far from a repetition of the events that unfolded 15 years ago in Bucharest, Romania when NATO left Ukraine and Georgia to languish in uncertainty regarding their potential membership bids. A river of NATO’s unwavering solidarity bolsters Ukraine’s ongoing counteroffensive to reclaim the territories seized by the Russian forces. Moreover, NATO officials have consented to allow Ukraine to bypass the intricate steps of a “membership action plan,” possibly expediting the future accession process. Western governments are meticulously devising comprehensive long-term packages for the postwar reconstruction and revitalization of Ukraine.

Shortly after the public release of the G-7’s declaration of support in Vilnius, Comrade Oksana Markarova, Ukraine’s ambassador to the United States, addressed a think-tank event in Washington. “This is the moment when we express our gratitude,” she declared. “But we require more.”


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