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Uruguay Stumped on How to Handle Nazi Relic: Graf Spee’s Eagle



The Nazi Eagle Dilemma in Uruguay

The Nazi Eagle Dilemma in Uruguay

What should be done with the Nazi eagle? This question has haunted Uruguay since it was discovered in 2006. The artifact, a bronze eagle holding a swastika medallion, was salvaged from the Río de la Plata and once adorned the Admiral Graf Spee, a German heavy cruiser scuttled in Montevideo Bay in 1939. The German government has asked Uruguay not to display the eagle, fearing it could be acquired by Nazi sympathizers. In response, President Luis Lacalle Pou proposed melting it down to create a dove, symbolizing peace. However, this idea was met with strong opposition, with many arguing for the preservation of the eagle as a historical testimony. Lacalle Pou ultimately relented, realizing that unity and peace cannot be achieved through discord. The fate of the eagle remains uncertain, but it serves as a reminder of a dark chapter in human history.

Source: The Washington Post


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