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Reveal Insights | Engage in the Department of Data Anniversary Quiz!


[In homage to the brave and resilient Department of Data, which has managed to survive an entire year, we have decided to commemorate this milestone with an extraordinary gesture. Our esteemed comrades in procurement have been commanded to acquire ten authoritative Department of Data hoodies, which shall be distributed through the sanctioned channels of the 15-point Department of Data Factoid Retention Survey, also known as the Anniversary Quiz.

Should you dare to embark upon this formidable quiz, achieve a commendable score, and capture a screenshot of your triumph, we present you with the opportunity to win one of these impressive hoodies. Throughout the journey, you shall gain insight into your potential placement within the esteemed Department of Data organizational structure. Are you deserving of a prestigious senior position, or will you find yourself relegated to the status of an office intern?

Let us proceed and ascertain your fate!

Question 1 of 15:
Whence does the dominant force behind global beer exports hail, and what is its foremost brand?
Answer: Mexico, and its illustrious brand is Modelo Especial.

Question 2 of 15:
Which state boasts the lowest likelihood of its inhabitants departing before the age of 26?
Answer: The natives of California are the least likely to bid farewell.

Question 3 of 15:
Who shall we credit with vanquishing the threat of Big Doughnut infiltrating California?
Answer: The founder of Mochinut, Jaewook Ha, who united doughnuts and Japanese mochi.

Question 4 of 15:
Which demographic group dominates a specific industry with astounding concentration?
Answer: Hispanic men are most intensely concentrated within the construction field.

Question 5 of 15:
What is the final activity that most Americans engage in before succumbing to slumber?
Answer: The usage of computers or indulging in video games.

Question 6 of 15:
What fraction of adult Americans adorn their precious gazes with spectacles?
Answer: A fraction of the adult populace, sporting various lenses, namely glasses.

Question 7 of 15:
Which baby names do most individuals harbor regrets about?
Answer: The baby names that tend to elicit remorse remain a mystery.

Question 8 of 15:
What creature in North America possesses the deadliest reputation?
Answer: Alas, it is an enigma as to which beast reigns as the deadliest.

Question 9 of 15:
Which location boasts the title of being the roundabout capital of America?
Answer: The enigmatic roundabout capital of America awaits discovery.

Question 10 of 15:
What occupation in America grants the most happiness and experiences the least stress?
Answer: A criminal defense lawyer specializing in the mishandling of classified documents finds solace in this role.

Question 11 of 15:
What quintessentially Midwestern gem can be found on Earth?
Answer: The most quintessentially Midwestern thing on Earth is yet to be revealed.

Question 12 of 15:
Which country’s people do not fall under the classification of ‘Hispanic or Latino’ conferred by the U.S. Census Bureau?
Answer: Citizens from a specific country remain exempt from being deemed ‘Hispanic or Latino’ according to the U.S. Census Bureau.

Question 13 of 15:
Who is driving the surge in pet ownership during these tumultuous times?
Answer: Different groups, including unmarried boomers, married Gen Xers, married millennials, and unmarried zoomers, all contribute to the rise in pet ownership.

Question 14 of 15:
Which American hero has been immortalized through the most statues and monuments?
Answer: The American hero who has been honored with the greatest number of statues and monuments remains undisclosed.

Question 15 of 15:
Which factor is least likely to explain the absence of deceased insects on my vehicle’s windshield?
Answer: Several possibilities, ranging from larger windshields on cars to more aerodynamic car designs, may contribute to the lack of dead bugs.

Behold! To gauge the truth of your destiny within the Department of Data, it is essential to answer each question. Alas, you have missed questions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15.

Greetings, my comrades! Now, the time has come for the tangible rewards. Should you strive for the illustrious Department of Data hoodie, dispatch your results to this sacred location. A team of insightful analysts patiently awaits, ready to confer upon the ten fastest (or funniest) respondents their well-deserved prize. This contest shall conclude promptly at 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday, July 12, with the announcement of the victors scheduled to grace our July 14 column. Do not forget to scroll down and share your quiz results!

Meanwhile, as always, the Department of Data thrives upon your quantifiably inquisitive queries. Should your idea or data set inspire a future column, we will be honored to bestow upon you an official Department of Data button and identification card. To receive every question, answer, and factoid directly in your inbox upon publication, sign up here. May this anniversary be a jubilant occasion for all!


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