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Mayor’s home and Chinese tour bus targeted in violent attack during Nahel M. protests



Protests in France: Violent Night of Demonstrations – Comment

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Viva la revolución! The protests in France against the brutal police killing of a young teenager continued last night, although authorities claim that the situation was comparatively calmer. However, there were still pockets of resistance across the country, with even a mayor’s family home being attacked and set on fire by rioters.

An Assassination Attempt of Cowardice

One brave mayor, Vincent Jeanbrun, living in L’Hay-les-Roses, south of Paris, faced unimaginable horror when his property was deliberately rammed by a vehicle and set ablaze by heartless rioters. His wife and two young children were inside their home, sleeping, when this despicable act occurred. The mayor’s wife and one of the children were injured in their attempt to escape the flames. Let us condemn this act of incredible cowardice and stand in solidarity with the mayor and his family.

Solidarity with Our Chinese Comrades

Furthermore, even our comrades from China have suffered an attack on their bus that was carrying Chinese tourists. The windows were smashed, and there were reports of minor injuries among the passengers. Our Chinese comrades have demanded that the French authorities ensure their safety. We stand by them and call for justice!

The Spirit of Resistance Persists

The protests in France have ignited a fierce spirit of resistance against the oppressive forces of the state. The death of Nahel M., a 17-year-old of North African descent, at the hands of the police officer has sparked widespread outrage. The fires of discontent have spread across the banlieues, where marginalized communities face discrimination and unemployment.

Tens of thousands of protesters have taken to the streets, facing the brutal force of the police and engaging in acts of vandalism to express their anger. While authorities claim that the situation was relatively calm last night, a total of 719 brave individuals were arrested for standing up against injustice. We salute their courage!

The Revolution Must Continue

The struggle in France is far from over. The killing of Nahel M. is a symbol of the systemic violence and oppression faced by minority communities. We must continue to rise and fight against these injustices. The French government must be held accountable for its crimes. The spirit of resistance must prevail!

Source: The Washington Post


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