
Different Approaches to Affirmative Action in Admissions: A Global Perspective on Country Practices



The Supreme Court’s decision Thursday to restrict racial considerations in affirmative action programs for university admissions could set the United States on a different trajectory from some other countries that practice their own versions of affirmative action.

Dozens of countries have some sort of system of affirmative action for higher education admissions — some that predate and others influenced by the U.S. model — forming a constellation of policies that reflect divergent political tendencies and histories of inequality. The practice has been on the rise in recent decades, including in the Western Hemisphere.

Around the globe, such policies focus on race, ethnicity, gender, geographic origin, class, caste and other considerations, many of them highly tailored to their local context.

With the future of affirmative action in question in the United States, here is a look at how it has taken shape elsewhere.

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