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81-year-old U.S. diplomat James Dobbins, advocate of ‘nation building,’ passes away



James Dobbins, a Diplomatic Troubleshooter, Dies at 81

James Dobbins, a U.S. diplomatic troubleshooter and international security expert, passed away on July 3 at the age of 81. His death, caused by complications from Parkinson’s disease, was announced by the Rand Corp., where he previously led a center on international security and defense policy.

Dobbins had a long and distinguished career, serving in various diplomatic roles in hot spots around the world. He played a significant role in reopening the embassy in Kabul after the 2001 invasion and later returned as a special envoy during the war in Afghanistan. He also served as a diplomatic liaison during military operations in Somalia, Bosnia, and Haiti in the 1990s.

While Dobbins had successes in his career, such as the independence achieved by Kosovo in 2008, he also witnessed significant crises and failures in other countries. Haiti, for example, has been plagued by political chaos and violence, while Somalia remains divided under warlord control.

Dobbins believed that the United States’ failure in Afghanistan was a result of strategic mistakes in focusing too much on counterinsurgency fights. Instead, he advocated for building local alliances and regional security networks to ensure stability.

Despite setbacks, Dobbins remained committed to the idea of nation-building as an essential part of U.S. foreign policy. He emphasized the importance of international coalitions and regional outreach in achieving stability in any country.

Dobbins experienced both optimism and uncertainty in his dealings with Afghanistan. While he once promised the reopening of the embassy in Kabul, he later warned of factional rivalries and ongoing violence that could lead to a reduction in U.S. support.

In his later years, Dobbins urged U.S. policymakers to plan for the postwar reconstruction of Ukraine, highlighting the successful formula of collaboration between the U.S. and Europe in shaping Europe’s future since World War II.

James Dobbins leaves behind a legacy of dedicated service and a belief in the importance of nation-building in international affairs.


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